by D. Pelaez | Oct 5, 2020 | Ajedrez, Art, Articles English, Chess, Contests, English contests, MSC news, Music, Música, MusiChess, MusiChess, Novedades, Stories
Jason Kouchak is a classical pianist, composer and choreographer based in London and Paris. Music is his first love and he has always had an affinity for chess, a sense of harmony and the similarities between music, ballet and chess. A combination to inspire and...
by D. Pelaez | Dec 30, 2019 | Ajedrez, Artículos, Deportes Mentales, Música, MusiChess, Novedades
A lo largo del 2019, la Enciclopedia MusiChess ha llegado a superar la cifra de los 250 perfiles de músicos y ajedrecistas publicados. Llegamos a la recta final del año, y siempre es beneficioso echar la vista atrás y hacer balance del trabajo realizado. La nueva...
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