Ali-Zadeh, Franghiz (1947)

Firanghiz Alizade. Creative Commons License.

Alternative last name spellings
Alternative first name spellings: Frangiz Alizade



Description: Franghiz Ali-Zadeh is a composer, pianist and musicologist from Azerbaijan. In 2000 she was named Artist of the people of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In 2007 she was elected president of the Union of Composers of Azerbaijan, and in 2008 she was awarded the title “Artist for Peace” by Unesco.
Sex: Female Occupation: Composer, pianist, musicologist and teacher.
Place of Birth / Death: Baku, Azerbaijan. Country Tags: Azerbaijan.
Periods: 20 Century Genres: Symphonic music, Orchestral music, Choral music, Chamber music, Religious music, Vocal music, Instrumental music, Music for Dance, Concert, Opera, Ballets, Music for theatre.
Styles: Nationalism, Neoclasicism, Dodecaphonist, World music.  School / Group: Baku Music Academy.
Instruments: Piano. Relatives: –
Patrons: – Master: –



Fictional stories (MC Universe):
Music Composers vs. Chess Players:


External links



  • Burkholder, J. Peter. Jay Grout, Donald. Palisca, Claude V. (2015). Historia de la música occidental. Madrid: Alianza música.
  • Huseynova, Aida (2016). Music of Azerbaijan: From Mugham to Opera. Ethnomusicology Multimedia. Indiana University Press.
  • Michels, Ulrich. (1992) Atlas de música, vol. 2. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
  • Morgan, Robert P. (1999). La música del siglo XX. Madrid: Akal.
  • Onnen, Frank. (1967). Enciclopedia de la música. Madrid: Afrodisio Aguado.
  • Pajares Alonso, Roberto L. (2010). Historia de la Música en 6 bloques. Madrid: Visión libros
  • Ross, Alex. (2013). El ruido eterno. Escuchar al siglo XX a través de su música. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
  • Turina, Joaquín. (2000). Enciclopedia abreviada de la música. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.