Bartók, Béla (1981-1945)
Alternative last name spellings: Béla Viktor |
Alternative first name spellings: János Bartók |
Alias: – |
“In art there are only fast or slow developments. Essentially it is a matter of evolution, not revolution.”
Description: Bartók is one of the most important composers of the 20th century. He was one of the founders of Ethnomusicology, a branch of musicology that studies the social and cultural aspects of music. | |
Sex: Male | Occupation: Composer, Pianist, Ethnomusicolgist, Choreographer, Music teacher. |
Place of Birth / Death: Sânnicolau Mare, Romania / New York, United States. | Country Tags: Hungary. |
Periods: 20th century | Genres: Symphonic music, Orchestral music, Chamber music, Instrumental music, Vocal music, Folklore, Ballet, Opera. |
Styles: Nationalism, Avant-garde. | School / Group: – |
Instruments: Piano | Relatives: – |
Patrons: – | Master: Hans von Koessler |
Articles: |
Tournaments: |
Ranking: |
Fictional stories (MC Universe): |
Music Composers vs. Chess Players: |
External links
- All Music: Béla Bartók biography: – [10/02/2018].
- Bartók Béla Memorial House, Budapest: – [10/02/2018].
- Bartók records & publications: – [10/02/2018].
- Biografías y vidas. La enciclopedia biográfica en línea: Béla Bartók: – [10/02/2018].
- Naxos: Béla Bartók: – [10/02/2018].
- The Belgian Bartók Archives, housed in the Brussels Royal Library and founded by Denijs Dille: – [10/02/2018].
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Béla Bartók: – [10/02/2018].
- Wikiquote: Béla Bartók: – [10/02/2018].
- Béla Bartók at Encyclopædia Britannica: – [10/02/2018].
- Béla Bartók Discography at Discogs: – [10/02/2018]
- Bartók, Peter (2002). My Father. Homosassa, Florida, Bartók Records.
- Beltrando-Patier, Marie-Claire y otros (1996). Historia de la música. Espasa Calpe.
- Bukofzer, Manfred F. (1992). Historia de la música Barroca: De Monteverdi a Bach. Alianza Musica.
- Burkholder, J. Peter. Jay Grout, Donald. Palisca, Claude V. (2015). Historia de la música occidental. Madrid: Alianza música.
- Michels, Ulrich. (1992) Atlas de música, Vol 2. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
- Morgan, Robert P. (1999). La música del siglo XX. Madrid: Akal
- Onnen, Frank. (1967). Enciclopedia de la música. Madrid: Afrodisio Aguado.
- Pajares Alonso, Roberto L. (2010). Historia de la Música en 6 bloques. Madrid: Visión libros.
- Ross, Alex. (Julio 2013). El ruido eterno. Escuchar al siglo XX a través de su música. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
- Turina, Joaquín. (2000). Enciclopedia abreviada de la música. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.