Franco and Afro Musica

Franco & Afro Musica. Public Domain

Alternative last name spellings: –
Alternative first name spellings: –
Alias: –



Description: Franco and afro musica is a music band from Botswana. His songs are usually about controversial social issues in Botswana society, such as witchcraft, promiscuity, death or stories about Botswana villages. The band has won several awards such as the Botswana Music Union (BOMU), and they have published 14 studio albums.
Sex: Males Occupation: Band
Place of Birth / Death: Botswana Country Tags: Botswana
Periods: XX-XXI Genres: Vocal music, instrumental music, nationalism.
Styles: Ethnic, Folk, Kwassa kwassa, ndombolo, Soukous, Congolese rumba, Afro music, World Music. School / Group: –
Instruments: Guitar, bass, drums, brass, vocals. Relatives: –



Fictional stories (MC Universe):
Music Composers vs. Chess Players:


External links



  • Beltrando-Patier, Marie-Claire y otros (1996). Historia de la música. Espasa Calpe
  • Bohlman, Philip V (2002). World Music. OUP Oxford.
  • Millington, Janice (1999). Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 2. Routledge.
  • Onnen, Frank. (1967). Enciclopedia de la música. Madrid: Afrodisio Aguado
  • Rodman, Sarah (2007). A true cultural ambassador. The Boston Globe.
  • Shepherd, J., ed. (2003). Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World: Volume II: Performance and Production. New York: Continuum.