Lumbye, Hans Christian (1810-1874)

Hans Christian Lumbye. Public Domain

Alternative last name spellings: –
Alternative first name spellings: –
Alias: Nordens Strauss


Description: Hans Christian Lumbye was a violinist, trumpeter, composer and conductor from Denmark. After studying music, he began playing the trumpet in a military band until he heard the works of Johann Strauss and began composing. He learned to play the violin in a self-taught way and he became music director and composer of Tivoli Gardens from Copenhagen. Hans composed around 700 works with a Strauss-influenced style, light compositions and several works in which he creates sounds from non-musical sources.
Sex: Male Occupation: Conductor, composer, violinist and trumpeter.
Place of Birth / Death: Copenhagen, Denmark. Country Tags: Denmark
Periods: 19h Century. Genres: Symphonic music, Orchestral music, Choral music, Chamber music, Instrumental music, Dances, Concert, Vals.
Styles: Classical, Romantic music, Nationalism music. Group: –
Instruments: Trumpet and violin. Relatives: Carl Christian (son), Georg August (son),  Georg Høeberg (grand-son)
Patrons: – Master: –



Fictional stories (MC Universe):
Music Composers vs. Chess Players:


External links



  • Beltrando-Patier, Marie-Claire y otros (1996). Historia de la música. Espasa Calpe.
  • Blume, Friedrich (1970). Classic and Romantic Music. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Burkholder, J. Peter. Jay Grout, Donald. Palisca, Claude V. (2015). Historia de la música occidental. Madrid: Alianza música.
  • Einstein, Alfred (1947). Music in the Romantic Era. New York: W. W.
  • Michels, Ulrich. (1992) Atlas de música, vol. 2. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
  • Onnen, Frank. (1967). Enciclopedia de la música. Madrid: Afrodisio Aguado.
  • Pajares Alonso, Roberto L. (2010). Historia de la Música en 6 bloques. Madrid: Visión libros
  • Randel, Michael (1996). The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music. Harvard University Press.
  • Rosen, Charles (1995). The Romantic Generation. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
  • Turina, Joaquín. (2000). Enciclopedia abreviada de la música. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.