Hassabis, Demis (1976)

Demis Hassabis. PhotonQ-Demis Hassabis on Artificial Playful Intelligence. (2014 Creative Commons License).

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Alias: –




Description: Demis Hassabis is a child prodigy in chess who reached the level of Candidate Master. In 2010, Hassabis co-founded DeepMind in London, a learning artificial intelligence startup. DeepMind aims to merge knowledge of neuroscience and machine learning with new computer developments. The company has focused on training learning algorithms to master games. 
Sex: Male. Occupation: Artificial intelligence researcher, Neuroscientist, Computer game designer, Entrepreneur, Mind games player.
Place of Birth / Death: London, England, United Kingdom. Country Tags: United Kingdom.
Centuries: XX-XXI Title: Candidate Master (Chess)
World Champion: Pentamind (1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2003). Decamentathlon (2003; 2004). Diplomacy (team competition) School: University College London.
Styles: – Chess Olympiads: –



Fictional stories (MC Universe):
Music Composers vs. Chess Players:


External links



  • Averbakh, Yuri. (2012). A history of chess. From Chaturanga to the present day. Milford, USA: Russel enterprises Inc.
  • Eales, Richard. (2002). Chess: The history of a game. Glasgow, Scotland: Hardinge Simpole Publishing.
  • Elo, Arpad E. (2008). The rating of chess players, Past and Present. New York: Ishi Press.
  • Hooper, David. Whyld, Kenneth. (1992). The Oxford companion to chess. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Murray, H. J. R. (1913). A history of chess. New York: Oxford University Press.