Ung, Chinary (1942)
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Description: Chinary Ung is a composer from Cambodia who currently resides in California. He is Doctor of Musical Arts from Columbia University, and won the Grawemeyer Award for musical composition in 1988. In his compositions he introduces Asian pentatonic scales and melodies fused with avant-garde classical music thanks to the use of microtonality and heterophony. Chinary has spent a decade studying Cambodian music composition. |
Sex: Male. | Occupation: Composer, clarinetist. |
Place of Birth / Death: Takéo, Cambodia. | Country Tags: Cambodia. United States. |
Periods: XX-XXI | Genres: Avant-Garde music, instrumental music, choral music, vocal music, symphonic music, chamber music. |
Styles: Classical music, Avant-garde, Atonalism, Microtonality, Heterophony, Cambodian music. | School / Group: Columbia University, Manhattan School of Music |
Instruments: Clarinet | Relatives: – |
Patrons: – | Master: Chou Wen-chung, Mario Davidovsky |
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Fictional stories (MC Universe): |
Music Composers vs. Chess Players: |
External links
- Chinary Ung in all music: https://www.allmusic.com/artist/chinary-ung-mn0001266706/ – [29/01/2020].
- Chinary Ung in Clasical Archives: https://www.classicalarchives.com/composer/35122.html – [29/01/2020].
- Chinary Ung in discogs: https://www.discogs.com/es/artist/1391386-Chinary-Ung – [29/01/2020].
- Chinary Ung in musicalics: https://musicalics.com/en/node/83465 – [29/01/2020].
- Chinary Ung in naxos: https://www.naxos.com/person/Chinary_Ung/88349.htm – [29/01/2020].
- Chinary Ung in rateyourmusic.com: https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/chinary_ung – [29/01/2020].
- Chinary Ung in Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5KjHo95HZBBkFk8awy5yLL?autoplay=true&v=A – [29/01/2020].
- Wikipedia.org: Chinary Ung: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinary_Ung – [29/01/2020].
- Beltrando-Patier, Marie-Claire y otros (1996). Historia de la música. Espasa Calpe
- Burkholder, J. Peter. Jay Grout, Donald. Palisca, Claude V. (2015). Historia de la música occidental. Madrid: Alianza música.
- Morgan, Robert P. (1999). La música del siglo XX. Madrid: Akal
- Onnen, Frank. (1967). Enciclopedia de la música. Madrid: Afrodisio Aguado.
- Pajares Alonso, Roberto L. (2010). Historia de la Música en 6 bloques. Madrid: Visión libros
- Randel, Michael (1996). The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music. Harvard University Press.
- Ross, Alex. (2013). El ruido eterno. Escuchar al siglo XX a través de su música. Barcelona: Seix Barral.
- Turina, Joaquín. (2000). Enciclopedia abreviada de la música. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.