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Iannis Xenakis in his studio, Paris. Picture by Michèle Daniel. From “Les Amis de Iannis Xenakis” (1970 –


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Alternative first name spellings: Yannis. Ianis. Ian.
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“Art, and, above all, music, has a fundamental function, which is to catalyze the sublimation that it can bring about through all means of expression. It must aim through fixations which are landmarks, to draw [one] towards a total exaltation in which the individual mingles, losing his consciousness in a truth immediate, rare, enormous, and perfect. If a work of art succeeds in this undertaking even for a single moment, it attains its goal.”



Description: Iannis Xenakis was a composer, music theorist, architect and engineer born in Romania. He spent his childhood in Greece, and subsequently French nationalized in 1947. He is considered an important post-World War II composer whose works helped revolutionize classical music of the twentieth century. Xenakis was a pioneer in the use of mathematical models in music, and was an important influence in the development of electronic and computer music. He integrated music with architecture, composing music for pre-existing spaces and designing spaces to be integrated with musical compositions and performances. In 1979 he designed a computer music composition system called UPIC.
Sex: Male. Occupation: Composer, Music theorist, Architect, Engineer.
Place of Birth / Death: Brăila, Romania / Paris, France. Country Tags: Romania, Greece, France.
Periods: 20th Century. Genres: Instrumental music, Electronic music, Music for computer, Stochastic music, Concret music, Orchestral music, Vocal music, Electroacoustic music.
Styles: Avant-garde. Contemporary music. School / Group: –
Instruments: Computer. Relatives: –
Patrons: – Master: –



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External links



  • Amagali, Rosemary Tristano (1975). Texture as an Organizational Factor in Selected Works of Iannis Xenakis. M.M. Thesis, Indiana University.
  • Bardot, Jean-Marc (1999). Cendrées de Xenakis ou l’émergence de la vocalité dans la pensée xenakienne. Undergraduate thesis (equivalent). Saint-Etienne: Université Jean Monnet.
  • Biasi, Salvatore di (1994). Musica e matematica negli anni 50–60: Iannis Xenakis. Bologna. Università degli Studi di Bologna.
  • Beltrando-Patier, Marie-Claire y otros (1996). Historia de la música. Espasa Calpe.
  • Burkholder, J. Peter. Jay Grout, Donald. Palisca, Claude V. (2015). Historia de la música occidental. Madrid: Alianza música.
  • Matossian, Nouritza (1986). Xenakis. London: Kahn and Averill.
  • Michels, Ulrich. (1992) Atlas de música, Vol 2. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
  • Onnen, Frank. (1967). Enciclopedia de la música. Madrid: Afrodisio Aguado.
  • Pajares Alonso, Roberto L. (2010). Historia de la Música en 6 bloques. Madrid: Visión libros.
  • Turina, Joaquín. (2000). Enciclopedia abreviada de la música. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
  • Varga, Bálint András (1996). Conversations with Iannis Xenakis. London: Faber and Faber.