1. NAME: I MC Traditional/Folk/World Music
  2. DATE / PLACE: Internet
  3. SCHEDULE : 25 October 2017 – 1 December 2017

– Individual & bands. Most of the artists have been selected from our database. Some have been selected by MC members. Some by users. And some by the Ranker list. Sorry if you miss many important artists.

– Random pairings.

– The first of our rated tournaments. Final results will have an effect to our rankings.

– Our next tournaments will be about: 1. Jazz & Blues 2. Soundtracks 3. Classical 4. Chess 5. MC figures

  • RULES: The users will be the ones who vote and decide the outcome. How? In each match, each user can give up to 1 vote, specifying which musician/band they prefer in each match. The sum of all the votes of all the users will determine which artist goes to the next round.
  1. FINAL STANDINGS: http://challonge.com/Iworldmusic
  2. WINNER: Bebo Valdés (Cuba)
  3. ARCHIVES: http://challonge.com/Iworldmusic

Bebo Valdés