English version
What is sport?
According to the Oxford Dictionary, it is “An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” According to the English Wikipedia, “Sport (British English) or sports (American English) includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.”
Olympic Games logo, by Pierre de Coubertin
This gives us a basic idea of what can be regarded as a sport. Now, let’s look at the criteria of the world’s foremost sports institution, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), for including a sport in the Olympic Games program:
- The Summer Olympics. In the case of men’s sports, the discipline must be widely practised in at least 75 countries, spread over 4 continents, and in at least 40 countries over 3 continents in the case of women’s disciplines.
- Winter Olympics. The sport must be practised in at least 3 countries spread over 3 continents.
- The sport must adopt and apply the World Anti-Doping Code.
- It must be recognized by the IOC at least 7 years before the beginning of the Olympics in which it is first to be included.
- The number of summer Olympic sports has been capped at 28, with a total of 300 competitions and 10,500 competitors. Thus, for a new sport to be included, another must be dropped. In the 2016 Río Summer Olympics, baseball and softball were discontinued and rugby and golf were reinstated.
You can find a list of Olympic sports at: https://www.olympic.org/sports. Sports which might potentially be included in the Olympics as they have been recognized by the IOC, are listed at: bridgeScrabblehttp://www.arisf.org/members.aspx.
Yes, you read it correctly, chess and (FIDE) and bridge (WBF) are the only mind sports represented. Music is represented by dance (World DanceSport Federation) and cheerleading (International Cheer Union).
Dance has a peculiarity that other sports do not possess: it is represented by two international federations: the World DanceSport Federation (founded in 1957, with a total of 92 national federations) and the World Dance Council (founded in 1957). Only the former, however, is recognized by the IOC. Cheerleading is represented by the International Cheer Union, founded in 2004, with 110 national federations. Chess, represented by the FIDE (founded in 1924), is one of the sports with the largest number of associated federations in the world, a total of 187. Bridge is represented by the World Bridge Federation (founded in 1958), which comprises 112 national federations. Chess and bridge were acknowledged as sports by the IOC in 1999.
To finish off, we’ll mention some other sports disciplines related to the MusiChess philosophy. When speaking about musical sports, the first thing that obviously comes to mind is dance (already mentioned), which combines the two key arts of dance and music. Our thoughts might also turn to composition and performance competitions, but since they are not organized as sports, they can’t be included. Cheerleading, also previously mentioned, is another fully musical sport, combining gymnastics, dance and music. We can also include other sports with extra-musical elements in our list, such as synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, roller skating, capoeira (the Brazilian martial art) aerobics and aqua aerobics, running, spinning and probably a few other we can’t recall at the moment. Mind sports refers to all types of sports that are more mental than physical, and which are not mainly dominated by luck or chance. This is the case of chess, bridge, scrabble, go and draughts. Further information at: http://musichess.com/chess-and-much-more-in-musichess/
So, we can round off by telling you about our recently created sports club, which we have named the MusiChess Sports Club. For reasons you can easily imagine, this will be devoted to chess, mind sports and dance. For further information: http://musichess.com/musichess-sports-club/
Spanish version
¿Qué es el deporte?
Según Oxford Dictionaries: “An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment.” Según la Wikipedia en inglés: “Sport (British English) or sports (American English) includes all forms of competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.”
Ya tenemos una idea básica sobre qué se puede considerar disciplina deportiva. Ahora veamos qué requisitos exige el Comité Olímpico Internacional, máxima institución del deporte, para incluir un deporte en el programa de los Juegos Olímpicos:
- Juegos Olímpicos de Verano. Debe ser practicado en un mínimo de 75 países y 4 continentes por hombres, y en un mínimo de 40 países y 3 continentes por mujeres.
- Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno. Deberá ser practicado en un mínimo de 25 países y 3 continentes.
- Deberá adoptar y aplicar de forma correcta el código mundial antidopaje.
- Deberá haber sido admitido por el COI al menos 7 años antes de que comiencen los Juegos Olímpicos en cuestión.
- En ninguno de los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano podrán darse cita más de 28 deportes, con un total de 300 pruebas y 10.500 competidores. Por tanto, si un nuevo deporte quiere entrar, antes otro debe haber sido excluido del programa. En los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016 salieron baseball y softball y entraron rugby y golf.
Aquí pueden comprobar los deportes que son olímpicos: https://www.olympic.org/sports. Y aquí los deportes que podrían ser olímpicos, ya que el COI los ha reconocido como elegibles: http://www.arisf.org/members.aspx.
Correcto. Si han visto bien, el ajedrez (FIDE) y el bridge (WBF) son los únicos representantes de los mind sports. Por parte de la música, el mérito se lo llevan el baile (World DanceSport Federation) y el cheerleading (International Cheer Union).
El baile tiene una peculiaridad respecto a otros deportes. Dos federaciones internacionales lo representan: la World DanceSport Federation (fundada en 1957 y con 92 federaciones nacionales) y la World Dance Council (fundada en 1957). Sin embargo, el COI reconoce solo a la primera, aceptada en 1997. El cheerleading está representado por la International Cheer Union, fundada en 2004 y con 110 federaciones nacionales. El ajedrez, representado por la FIDE (fundada en 1924), es una de las disciplinas deportivas que más federaciones nacionales asociadas tienen, con 187. El bridge, representado por la World Bridge Federation (fundada en 1958), consta de 112 federaciones nacionales. Ajedrez y bridge fueron aceptados por el COI en 1999.
Para terminar, mencionaremos otras disciplinas deportivas relacionadas con la filosofía MusiChess. Cuando hablamos de deportes musicales, el primero que nos debe venir a la mente es el baile (ya mencionado), que combina dos artes tan importantes como son la danza y la música. Podríamos pensar también en competiciones de composición e interpretación musical, pero estas, al no estar organizadas como deporte, las descartamos. El cheerleading, también mencionado, es otro de los deportes plenamente musicales, combinando gimnasia, baile y música. Debemos incluir también en nuestra lista disciplinas que incluyen elementos extra-musicales, como es el caso de la natación sincronizada, la gimnasia rítmica, el patinaje artístico y patinaje sobre ruedas, el capoeira (arte marcial brasileño), aerobic y aquaerobic, running, spinning y alguno más que se nos estará escapando. Por la otra parte, los mind sports engloban a todas aquellas modalidades deportivas que son más mentales que físicas. Es el caso del ajedrez, el bridge, el scrabble, el go o las damas. Estas, además, es conveniente que dependan lo menos posible de la suerte o el azar. Para más información: http://musichess.com/chess-and-much-more-in-musichess/
Terminamos (ahora ya sí) informando de nuestro recién creado club deportivo, con nombre MusiChess Sports Club. Por razones que pueden imaginar, este se dedicará al ajedrez, los mind sports y el baile. Para más información: http://musichess.com/musichess-sports-club/
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