Torres Quevedo, Leonardo (1852-1936)

Torres Quevedo, Leonardo (1852-1936)

by | Sep 30, 2020

Torres Quevedo, Leonardo (1852-1936) Alternative last name spellings: – Alternative first name spellings: – Alias: – «Cuando se me presentó el momento de tomar puesto en el Escalafón estaba ya convencido de mi poco amor al trabajo metódico y...
Candelaria Sánchez, Verónica (1981)

Candelaria Sánchez, Verónica (1981)

Candelaria Sánchez, Verónica (1981) Alternative last name spellings:  Alternative first name spellings:  Alias:  GENERAL INFO Description: Veronica is a social worker from Spain who works in the developing intellectual and social skills in children. She has managed to...
Morales de los Ríos, Pablo (1979)

Morales de los Ríos, Pablo (1979)

Morales de los Ríos, Pablo (1979) Alternative last name spellings: – Alternative first name spellings: – Alias: – GENERAL INFO Description: Pablo Morales de los Ríos is a multidisciplinary artist from Spain. He has several national and international...
Ramírez de Lucena, Luis (c.1465 – c.1530)

Ramírez de Lucena, Luis (c.1465 – c.1530)

Ramírez de Lucena, Luis (c.1465 – c.1530) Alternative last name spellings: – Alternative first name spellings: – Alias: –   GENERAL INFO Description: Luis Ramírez de Lucena was a Spanish chess master from the 16th Century. He wrote the oldest...
Cerón, Alfonso (1535-1600)

Cerón, Alfonso (1535-1600)

Cerón, Alfonso (1535-1600) Alternative last name spellings: – Alternative first name spellings: Xerone, Girón. Alias: –   GENERAL INFO Description: Alfonso Cerón was a Spanish priest and chess master. He was considered one of the strongest Spanish chess...